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Företag (Employers)

Monthly reporting

Fora has switched to monthly management of collectively agreed insurances. From February 2024 and onwards the payrolls of manual workers are to be reported monthly. 

Cost, invoice and payment

Information with time limited validity

The information on this page is shortly to be updated due to the switch from annual pay roll reporting to monthly pay roll reporting, which started in February 2024. Read more about monthly payroll reporting

The invoice from Fora is a summary invoice for the insurances and the occupational pension included in the insurance agreement, as well as any collectively agreed fees. 

Costs and price list


Which insurances your company pays for will depend on whether you employ both manual workers and non-manual workers .

  • The cost of the insurances included in the insurance agreement is a fixed per cent of your employees’ pay.
  • Different insurances have different percentages and they vary from year to year.

Prices 2024

Occupational pension for manual workers

Insurances for manual workers

Insurances for non-manual workers

Prices 2023

Occupational pension for manual workers

Insurances for manual workers

Insurances for non-manual workers

Minimum premium for the insurance agreement

Prices 2022

Occupational pension for manual workers

Insurances for manual workers

Insurances for non-manual workers

Minimum premium for the insurance agreement

Prices 2021

Occupational pension for manual workers

Insurances for manual workers

Insurances for non-manual workers

Minimum premium for the insurance agreement

Prices 2020

Occupational pension for manual workers

Insurances for manual workers

Insurances for non-manual workers

Minimum premium for the insurance agreement

Prices 2019

Occupational pension for manual workers

Insurances for manual workers

Insurances for non-manual workers

Minimum premium for the insurance agreement

Prices 2018

Occupational pension for manual workers

Insurances for manual workers

Insurances for non-manual workers

Minimum premium for the insurance agreement



Always pay the invoice

You should always pay an invoice from Fora, even if you consider it to be incorrect. Any adjustments will be made on a future invoice.

An unpaid invoice from Fora is always referred for debt recovery.

The cost of the insurances is paid continuously throughout the year. Fora sends the company an invoice every other month, starting in February.

Additional invoices may be sent during the year, for example if the preliminary payroll information is updated. In this case, Fora will send an additional invoice the next month with an adjusted amount.

The invoice from Fora is a summary invoice for the insurances and the occupational pension included in the insurance agreement, as well as any collectively agreed fees. 

An invoice specification is included with the invoice. This shows the insurances covered by the invoice, and the debiting basis for the various premiums and fees.

The invoice from Fora is not available in any other language besides Swedish.

Understand the invoice from Fora

Based on (Baserat på)

Collective insurances (Avtals­försäkringar)

Basic price/year (Grundpris/år)

Basis of debit/year/SEK (Debiteringsunderlag/år/kr)

Annual amount, SEK (Årsbelopp, kr)

Amount for period, SEK (Belopp för perioden, kr)

Fees as per collective agreement

Questions about debt collection claim

Svea Ekonomi handles all Fora’s debt collection cases.

If you have any questions about debt collection claims, please contact Svea Ekonomi directly on +46 8 470 35 50. 



The date that Fora should receive the payment is shown on the invoice.

The invoice should be paid to Fora’s Bankgiro 991-3500.

Always specify the payment reference (OCR number) when making a payment.

Payment from abroad

When making payments to Fora from outside Sweden, you will be required to provide a BIC/SWIFT address identifying the bank and country to which the funds are to be transferred. Fora's bank is Swedbank AB.

When paying your invoice from abroad you must use the following account:

IBAN: SE8280000890119937419498
BIC (Swiftadress): SWEDSESS
Payee: Company name, Payment reference

In order for Fora to credit your payment, you must cite your personal identification number or organization registration number.

Questions about debt collection claim

Svea Ekonomi handles all Fora’s debt collection cases.

If you have any questions about debt collection claims, please contact Svea Ekonomi directly on +46 8 470 35 50. 

Payment of a credit invoice


If the company gets a credit invoice from Fora, the credit will be paid out automatically within 45 days, after deductions for any due invoices.

Payment to bankgiro

Fora only pays out credit amounts to bankgiro numbers that are registered with Bankgirot. If your company has registered several bankgiro numbers with Bankgirot and wants the money to be paid out to another of these numbers, the main administrator or an administrator can change the bankgiro number for payment on Mina sidor (My pages).

Payment via payout slip

If there is no bankgiro number registered with Bankgirot, the credit amount will be paid out on a payout slip which is sent to the company’s official delivery address.

This also applies if you are a sole trader. Fora does not have access to your bankgiro number, due to personal data legislation.


Lowered income age for SAF-LO Collective Pension Insurance

Svenskt Näringsliv – The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise – and LO – The Swedish Trade Union Confederation – have reached an agreement to gradually lower the income age for SAF-LO Collective Pension Insurance from 25 years to 22 years.

This means that from 1 January 2022, manual workers who are 23 years old should be included in the pay amount that forms the basis for calculating the premium that the employer pays to SAF-LO Collective Pension Insurance.