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Företag (Employers)

Monthly payroll reporting

From 2024 and onwards

Fora is switching to monthly management of collectively agreed insurances. This means monthly payroll reporting, invoicing and transfer of pension premiums to the pension companies of manual workers.

The transition from annual to monthly procedures will take place in stages. Payrolls that are paid out in 2023 should have been reported as usual in January 2024. Thereafter, the payrolls of manual workers are to be reported monthly.

The first stage comprises occupational pensions and insurances for employees classed as manual workers, and this transition is scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2024. The next step introduces monthly payroll reporting and invoicing of insurances taken out via Fora for non-manual workers.

For you as an employer, the gradual transition entails both permanent and temporary changes. For a period of time, Fora’s administration will also use different procedures for manual workers and non-manual workers.

Swedish personal identity number or coordination number is required

With the monthly procedures that started in February 2024, it is required that all employees are reported with either Swedish personal identity number (personnummer) or a coordination number. The Swedish Tax Agency handles the applications.

Purpose of the transition


The pension premiums of manual workers will be transferred monthly in the same way as for non-manual workers today. The monthly rather than annual transfer of premiums means that there is more opportunity for yields throughout the year. 

By introducing monthly payroll reporting, reporting to Fora is also harmonised with other reporting that employers make, for example to the Swedish Tax Agency and Collectum. This enables employers to have uniform procedures for various forms of reporting.

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise and the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) reached the agreement to switch to monthly management of Avtals­pension SAF-LO, Collective Pension Insurance.


Effect on payroll reporting

  • Payrolls that are paid out in 2023 will be reported as usual in January 2024.
  • Thereafter, the pay amounts of manual workers are to be reported monthly, starting in February 2024.

New regulations

In connection with the switchover to monthly payroll reporting, new regulations relating to “pay attributable to another month” are being introduced.

No reporting via paper forms​

Monthly reporting is only possible via Mina sidor (My pages). Paper forms will not be available. Make sure that your company has a main administrator with access to Mina sidor, where the e-services for employee administration and monthly reporting are available after the transition in February 2024.

As of January 2024 and until further notice, the following applies:

Reporting When
Payroll reporting for employees with Avtals­pension SAF-LO, Collective pension insurance (usually manual worker personnel category) New: Gross salary paid per individual is reported monthly. 
Payroll reporting for employees without Avtals­pension SAF-LO, Collective pension insurance (usually non-manual worker personnel category) Unchanged: The final gross salary paid for all non-manual workers will be reported in January of the following year.  
Premiums for LP, Lifetime Working Hours Pension; AP, Working hours pension and Suplementary pension provision Unchanged: Estimated premiums are reported annually or as required (Suplementary pension provision).
Insurance for the Self-Employed/Company owners Unchanged: Final income is reported annually from January and no later than April of the following year.

New employee marking


The marking is the basis for employees being covered by the right insurances and having the right premiums paid into their occupational pensions.

In connection with the transition to monthly payroll reporting in 2024, new markings should be used for manual workers.

Each company only has access to the marking alternatives that are relevant to them.

  • Marking only needs to be updated in the event of changes to employees' category of personnel or changes in collective agreement affiliation.
  • The new marking will replace the ones currently used to show which manual workers are subject to a supplementary pension premium.

Examples of marking alternatives

FOK306834 Arbetare – Kollektiv­avtal Bygg­avtalet
(FOK306834 Manual worker - Collective agreement construction agreement)

FOK301123 Arbetare, när kollektiv­avtal för arbetare saknas
(Marking for a manual worker when there is no collective agreement for manual workers).

Initial marking of manual workers prior to first monthly reporting

In connection with the first monthly payroll report for January 2024, the manual workers need to be marked. The way this is done depends on whether your payroll system supports the new marking or not. This means there are two different scenarios with regards to large employers:

  • If the payroll system supports payroll reporting and marking possibility, the initial marking of manual workers is done in the payroll system.
  • If the payroll system only supports payroll reporting, the initial marking can be done by uploading an Excel file with the employees’ data including their marking. The file can be uploaded to Mina sidor (My pages) in February 2024 at the earliest.

Ongoing updates to the marking of employees who have changed jobs or are new employees are done in the payroll system or by uploading a new Excel file.

Important to differentiate manual workers, non-manual workers and the self-employed

It is very important to differentiate manual workers, non-manual workers and the self-employed, when the marking is done. It is currently only employees that count as workers who should be assigned the new marking alternatives.

Marking and reporting errors will have consequences for the workers' occupational pension and insurance cover.

Effect on invoicing


As of January 2024 and until further notice, the following applies to employers whose employees include both manual workers and non-manual workers:

Cost Timing of invoicing

Avtals­pension SAF-LO, Collective pension insurance and other insurance policies for manual workers.

New: The final cost is invoiced monthly.

Supplementary pension premiums and collectively agreed fees for manual workers.

New: The final cost is invoiced every other month for Part-time pension allocation, Extra pension allocation and collectively agreed fees.
Unchanged: Lifetime Working Hours Pension, Working Hours Pension and Additional Pension Provision will be invoiced upon completion of reporting. 

Insurance policies for non-manual workers.

Unchanged: Preliminary costs are invoiced every other month, and the final surplus/deficit is settled in February of the following year. 

Collectively agreed fees for non-manual workers.

Unchanged: Preliminary costs are invoiced every other month, and the final surplus/deficit is settled in February of the following year. 

Two different invoices from Fora

As of 2024, you will receive two different invoices from Fora, one each month and one every other month. Invoices must be paid to different bank giro numbers. It is very important that the different invoices are paid to the correct recipient! Please make sure that Fora is set up as two payees with different bank giro numbers in your subledger. 

Effect on employees’ pension premiums


From January 2024 and until further notice, the following applies to manual workers:

Pension premium Transfer to pension company

Pension premium for Avtals­pension SAF-LO, Collective pension insurance.

New: Transferred to selected pension company every month. 

Pension premium for supplementary pension premium (Extra pension allocation and Part-time pension allocation).

Unchanged: Transferred to selected pension company once a year. 

Pension premium for LP, Lifetime working hours pension; AP, working hours pension and Suplementary pension provision. 

Unchanged: Transferred to selected pension company once a year. 

Instructions and tutorials for the new monthly routines

Watch recorded webinar about the switch-over, download step-by-step instruction for marking and monthly reporting or watch the tutorials and movie clips with subtitles available in English.

Questions and answers

Questions and answers about the new employee marking, monthly pay roll reporting and the new invoicing routines,  in connection with the transition to monthly reporting of manual workers in 2024.