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Företag (Employers)

Monthly reporting

Fora is switching to monthly management of collectively agreed insurances. The transition from annual to monthly procedures will take place in stages. Payrolls that are paid out in 2023 will be reported as usual in January 2024. Thereafter, the payrolls of manual workers are to be reported monthly.


Företagskunder / Instructional movie clips for employers

De korta instruktionsfilmerna svarar på de vanligaste frågorna. Filmerna har undertexter på olika språk. Undertexter väljs genom inställningsknappen i YouTube-spelaren.

The short instructional movie clips answer the most common questions. They have subtitles in different languages. Subtitles are selected through the YouTube Player setup button.

Subtitles available in Swedish, English, Arabic, Finnish, Polish, Russian, Spanish and Turkish.