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Företag (Employers)

Your pension statement from Fora

If at any time you have earned money towards SAF-LO collective pension insurance (Avtals­pension SAF-LO)  you  will receive an annual pension statement from Fora. 

The contents of the pension statement will vary from person to person. The information it contains may include how the value of your collective pension insurance has changed in the last year, which pension manager handles your pension money, whether you have survivor’s cover, which pay your employer has reported to Fora and how much has been paid into your collective pension insurance this year.

Please note that your statement may not look exactly like the following example.

1. The pension pyramid

2. The amount

3. How your pension capital has developed during the year

4. Survivor's cover

5. Distribution per pension manager

6. Pay and premiums

7. Transferred to pension manager during current year