
I den här sektionen hittar du e-tjänster, blanketter, villkor, broschyrer och instruktioner på ett samlat ställe.

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Företag (Employers)

Monthly reporting

Fora is switching to monthly management of collectively agreed insurances. The transition from annual to monthly procedures will take place in stages. Payrolls that are paid out in 2023 will be reported as usual in January 2024. Thereafter, the payrolls of manual workers are to be reported monthly.

Forms and folders

Forms such as Application for Employee Insurances and registering account for Mina sidor (My Pages).Information material about the insurances and about our services. 



Folders and broschures


Inform the employees

ID Name
BF000193eng Insurances via work - Companies with collective agreements 
BF000228 About SAF-LO collective pension insurance - If you have either a Swedish personal identity number or a coordination number.
BF000235  Guide to your pension statement from Fora
BF000236 About SAF-LO colletive pension insurance - If you have neither a Swedish personal identity number nor a coordination number.
BL000208 Changing pension selections for SAF-LO Collective Pension Insurance